Warren G. Harding

Years in Office: 1921 to 1923

Warren G. Harding was our only President to be in the Newspaper business. He bought the Marion Star when he was 19 and became its editor.

When Harding became president, he had the confidence of the American people and his slogan "Back to normalcy" was very popular. Life in the U.S. did seem to be back to normal. Harding had little interest in foreign affairs of other nations.

A scandal arose involving a United States Navy oil field in the west called "Teapot Dome". Some of Harding's advisers in his cabinet had turned the rich Teapot Dome oilfields over to their personal friends. Some cabinet members went to jail for taking bribes. Other officials were convicted of stealing government money. Harding's close advisers had betrayed him.

In 1923 he went on a speaking trip around the country to try to explain things to the American public. While on this trip he became sick and died.

While Harding was president, the Unknown Soldier of World War I was buried in Arlington National Cemetery and the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated.