Franklin D. Roosevelt

Years in Office: 1933 to 1945

Franklin D. Roosevelt served the longest term in the Presidency, being elected 4 times. Roosevelt was a millionaire. He studied law at Columbia University Law School but was not interested enough to stay until graduation. He became a state senator at the age of 27, and assistant Secretary of the Navy at age 31. He was excited by the appointment because by then he had decided to become a politician.

Roosevelt led the United States through its hardest Depression. When he took office, 1 in every 4 Americans had no job. Americans were worried about what would happen to them next. In his inaugural address he made his most famous statement, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

At the age of 37 Roosevelt caught polio which left him crippled for the rest of his life.

When he was president, World War II took place, the Japanese made the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; the Social Security Act was passed which provided for retired workers and unemployed widows, the second Ocean Navy Act was passed, and the 21st Amendment was added to the Constitution ending prohibition.

Quote: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.