Generally, there is not a wide variety of food available throughout the country, except where private enterprise is encouraged. What the people eat depends largely on what is produced in the region where they live.
Chinese cuisine is internationally popular and recognized for its nutritional qualities. It is common to eat a mixture of noodles with a small piece of meat. Meat dumplings typify the hearty wholesome qualities of northern Chinese home-style cooking. In China, fruit desserts are often flavored. Jiao Zi Pi (Dumpling skins) are used to make the traditional meat dumplings served in the Chinese countryside.
Chopsticks are used for all meals in China. When finished, a person places the chopsticks neatly on the table; they are not left in the rice bowl. Food that is placed at the center of the table may include more than one main dish to be eaten with rice. Some food is taken to be placed in the rice bowl, which is then held close to the mouth for eating. Bones and seeds are placed on the table or a dish, but never back in the rice bowl. At formal banquets, guests have a short, friendly speech prepared to respond to a host's remarks. Tipping in restaurants is traditionally considered an insult - something a superior does for an inferior.