What sports are popular in Thailand?
Sports and Recreation
A favorite pastime in Thailand is "takraw", a game in which players keep a rattan ball in the air, using their feet, knees, elbows and heads - any part of the body except for the hands. In casual games, men and boys stand in a circle and bounce the ball back and forth. More formal games are played like volleyball, with a net separating two teams of players.
Thai boxing (muay thai) is a unique sport that requires coordination, concentration, and physical agility. Players box in their bare feet with boxing gloves on their hands. The use of fists, elbows, knees, shins, and feet is permitted. Certain rituals are associated with the game. Before engaging in a boxing match, competitors perform a slow, solemn dance called "ram muay". A phipat orchestra, consisting of gongs, drums, and wind instruments, plays before and during the match.
Children have their own favorite games. Girls play a game with small stones that is similar to the game of jacks. Children also play mon sorn pha, a skipping game like Postman, and pio, similar to Red Rover.