Is Senegal a safe place to visit?
Crime Information
Minor street crime is very common in Senegal, particularly in cities. Most reported incidents involve pickpockets and purse-snatchers, who are especially active in large crowds and around tourists. Aggressive vendors, panhandlers and street children may attempt to divert the victim’s attention while an accomplice carries out the crime. To avoid theft, U.S. citizens should avoid walking alone in isolated areas or on beaches, particularly at night, lock their doors and close their windows when driving, and avoid public transportation. U.S. citizens should not walk on dark streets at night, even in groups. To minimize inconvenience in the event of theft, U.S. citizens should carry copies, rather than originals, of their passports and other identification documents. U.S. citizens should carry a credit card only if it will be used soon, rather than carrying it as a routine practice. There is traditionally an increase in crime before major religious holidays.
U.S. citizens are encouraged to use common sense and situational awareness to ensure personal safety and to reduce the risk of becoming a crime victim. Always be aware of the surroundings, especially in large cities and crowded places such as markets and taxi parks. Keep a low profile, remain vigilant, and avoid potential conflict situations. Do not wear flashy clothing or jewelry, and be cautious about displaying any amount of currency in public. Use common sense when faced with something out of the ordinary or if someone is following you.
Violent crimes and crimes involving the use of weapons are increasing. There have been incidents in the past year of U.S. citizens in groups of two or three being robbed at knife-point. Such robberies occur with some frequency along the Corniche d’Ouest, an area heavily frequented by tourists and westerners. Walking on the Corniche D’Ouest during hours of darkness should be avoided. If confronted by criminals, remember that cash and valuables can be replaced, but life and health cannot. U.S. citizens are encouraged to walk away from a criminal confrontation no matter the material cost. Break-ins at residential houses occur frequently. Persons who plan to reside in Senegal on a long-term basis are advised to take measures to protect your dwellings by installating window grilles (fire safety issues should be considered), solid core doors with well-functioning locks, and an alarm system. In the past year a number of U.S. citizen residences have experienced burglaries. No violence or personal injuries have been reported in these cases, in which the burglars appear to have been exclusively seeking financial gain.
Fraud is prevalent in Senegal and U.S. citizens are often the target of scams that may cause both financial loss and physical harm. Typically, business scam operations begin with an unsolicited communication (usually by e-mail) from an unknown individual who describes a situation that promises quick financial gain, often by the transfer of a large sum of money or valuables out of West Africa. The perpetrators of these scams often claim to be victims of various western African conflicts (notably refugees from Sierra Leone) or relatives of present or former political leaders.
There are many variations of these business scams. In some cases, a series of “advance fees” must be paid in order to conclude the transaction, such as fees to open a bank account, or to pay certain taxes. In fact, the final payoff does not exist since the purpose of the scam is simply to collect the advance fees. Another common variation consists of a request for the U.S. citizen's bank account information, purportedly to transfer money into the account. Once the perpetrator obtains this information, however, he or she then simply transfers all money out of the victim's account. Other scams extend an apparent job offer, but request upfront payment for “administrative” or visa processing.
Visa scams take advantage of people who wish to travel to the United States. One variant is to “guarantee” a U.S. visa for participants who pay a large sum of money to register for a conference or attend an event in the United States. In other instances, the perpetrator uses links or apparent links to U.S. government websites or email addresses in order to solicit money, purportedly in the name of the U.S. government. Please refer to the State Department’s Travel Information or the U.S. Embassy in Dakar for authoritative information about the visa process and the costs involved.
In addition to business and visa scams, personal and dating scams are also prevalent. U.S. citizens should be wary of persons claiming to live in Senegal who profess friendship or romantic interest over the Internet. The anonymity of the Internet means that the U.S. citizen cannot be sure of the real name, age, marital status, nationality, or even gender of the correspondent. In some cases, the correspondent is a fictitious persona created only to lure the U.S. citizen into sending money.
Don’t wire money to purchase plane tickets. U.S. citizens may prepay a plane ticket directly with an airline rather than wiring money for transportation to the traveler. U.S. citizens may also research the legitimate immigration process online with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
The best way to avoid becoming a victim of advance-fee fraud, business scam, or visa scam is to use common sense: If an offer seems too good to be true, it is probably a scam. You should carefully research any unsolicited business proposal originating in Senegal before you commit funds, provide goods or services, or undertake travel.
Don’t buy counterfeit and pirated goods, even if they are widely available. Not only are the bootlegs illegal in the United States, if you purchase them you may also be breaking local law.
Credit card fraud is prevelant in Senegal, particularly in Dakar. Avoid using credit cards if possible. There have been numerous incidents of credit card fraud, mostly believed to related to “skimming” during the past year. Incidents have occurred at major hotels and stores. If use is necessary, careful monitoring of accounts is highly recommended.