The workweek in Kuwait is Sunday through Thursday for most businesses, government offices, and commercial banks.
The Government of Kuwait does not recognize dual nationality. Kuwaiti authorities have confiscated the U.S. passports of U.S. citizens and U.S.-Kuwaiti dual nationals when they have applied for Kuwaiti citizenship documents such as passports. This does not constitute loss of U.S. citizenship but should be reported to the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait. For additional information, please refer to the Bureau of Consular Affairs dual nationality flyer.
Kuwaiti customs authorities enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from Kuwait of such items as firearms, religious materials, pornography, and alcohol. Alcohol, pork products, and pornography are illegal in Kuwait. Travelers with prescription medications should carry them in their original packaging or bottle, as dispensed, and carry a copy of their prescription in case customs authorities question their importation into Kuwait. Kuwaiti customs authorities screen the baggage of all travelers entering Kuwait. It is advisable to contact the Embassy of Kuwait in Washington, D.C. or Kuwait's Consulates in Los Angeles or New York for specific information regarding customs requirements.
Photographing government and public buildings, military installations, and economic infrastructure, particularly that related to the oil industry, is against the law and can result in arrest, investigation, and prosecution. Also, some traditionally dressed women find being photographed to be offensive and may complain to the local police. If photographing public scenes or persons, visitors should take care to ask permission beforehand so as to not cause offense that could lead to an official complaint to the authorities.
Humiliating or insulting a person, including a police officer or a public official, is a crime in Kuwait similar to disorderly conduct or harassment in the United States. A person charged with humiliating or insulting another is subject to police investigation and possible prosecution and imprisonment. Persons under investigation can be prevented from departing Kuwait.
You are responsible for ensuring that you meet and comply with foreign entry requirements, health requirements and that you possess the appropriate travel documents. Information provided is subject to change without notice. One should confirm content prior to traveling from other reliable sources. Information published on this website may contain errors. You travel at your own risk and no warranties or guarantees are provided by us.