Fish is very popular as is broiled lundi or puffin, Whale blubber, whale steaks, and seal meat are available from time to time. Because of the short growing season, most products are imported. Fruits and vegetables are raised in greenhouses including grapes, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers and beans.A dish special to Iceland is skyr, a yogurt-like dish which is made from skim milk and a bacteria culture similar to that used in sourdough. It can be eaten at any meal.
Icelandic pancakes called "kur" are thin and delicate and dusted with brown sugar or jam or folded into quarters with whipped cream in the center.
In the old days, orri was the fourth month of winter, Today it is the first Friday in January after the 19th day of the month begins the Icelandic month of orri in which the festival of orra (THOR-ra-bloat) is held. Thorrablot recalls Icelanders Viking history with naturally preserved winter foods and drink including karl (petrified shark meat), (black pudding, a sausage made from blood), Hrtspungur (pickled ram testicles served in the scrotum), Lundabaggi (sheeps fat), Svinasulta (jellied ham), Svi; (jellied sheep head),Harfiskur (bread spread made of fish), Hangikjot (smoked lamb).;orrabl is a time to celebrate the fact that a family had enough food to last until spring.