Murat Peak, Pirin
The main ridge of the mountain is aligned from Northwest to South-Southeast. It is about 80 km long and 40 km wide. It covers an area of 2,585 km2 of exceptional natural beauty - high peaks, many glacial massifs, and 176 lakes. About 90% of these lakes are more than 2,100 m above sea level. 119 of them were created by glaciers. The most famous of these are: "Popovo" lake, the "Kremenskite" lakes, the "Valiavihkite" lakes, the "Vlahinskite" lakes, the "Bunderishkite" lakes, and the "Vasilashkite" lakes. The sharply contoured landscape and the blend of Central European and Mediterranean climates ensure a wide variety of flora and fauna. In 1962 part of the mountain region was proclaimed as a national park, initially named "Vihren" and later on renamed "Pirin". Noting the uniqueness of the park and its global significance, UNESCO included it in the World Register of Natural Heritage.