Strandja Nature Park
If you head for the Southeastern part of Bulgaria, to the town of Malko Tarnovo, or along the seashore to the towns of Ahtopol and Sinemoretz soon you will fall in the caressing arms of the widespread mountain chain of Strandja. An inseparable part of Strandja is the nature park which is named after the mountain. The park was established in 1995, covers a territory of 1,116 square km, and has a sea outlet situated between the town of Tzarevo and the village of Rezovo. The territory of the park is strewn with numerous archeological objects, which fascinate with their mysticism and majesty. For thousands of years, the Strandja Mountains were the kingdom of the ancient Thracian culture. Scattered all over the territory of the mountains, the ancient beehive tombs, dolmens, sacrificial altars, slab stones, and statues are silent witnesses of the ancient Thracian glory.