Traffic Safety and Road Conditions
While in Bermuda you will encounter road conditions that differ significantly from those in the United States. Traffic in Bermuda moves on the left side and the roads are very narrow, often with no defined shoulder. The maximum speed in the city of Hamilton is 25 kph (15 mph) and 35 kph (21 mph) on the rest of the island. Under Bermudian law, non-residents are not allowed to own, rent or drive four-wheeled vehicles. Non-residents must rely on taxis, the local bus system, or rented motorbikes. Traffic is moderate. Road accidents – particularly involving motorbikes – are common and can result in serious injuries or death.
Rental motorbikes are readily available, and the required helmet is provided. However, visitors should carefully consider the significant risks of riding a motorbike. Motorbikes provide the greatest road peril in Bermuda; local operators tend to abuse the speed limit and will often pass on the left or right side with no warning. Those unfamiliar with driving on the left side are likely to find the roundabouts and regulations for yielding at junctions confusing and dangerous. In addition, vehicles often stop on the side of the road, blocking one lane of traffic. Main roads, while generally in good condition, are extremely narrow and tend to be bordered by heavy vegetation or stone walls. Taxis are readily available. The local bus system serves the length of the island and stops close to most beaches, hotels, the downtown shopping area, and other points of interest. In addition, water ferry service to a variety of stops around the island is available seven days a week and is a very safe and enjoyable mode of transportation.
For specific information concerning Bermuda’s drivers' permits, vehicle inspection, road tax, and mandatory insurance, please contact the Bermuda Department of Tourism offices at 675 Third Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10017 Tel: (800)_223-6106.
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