Where is Portugal located?

What countries border Portugal?

Portugal Weather

What is the current weather in Portugal?

Portugal Facts and Culture

What is Portugal famous for?

  • Cultural Attributes: The Portuguese are generally conservative and traditional. However, they are very open and friendly to people of other nations. ... More
  • Family: The family is the core of Portuguese life. Nuclear families tend to be minor, averaging two children. Women often... More
  • Personal Apperance: The Portuguese are usually conservative in their dress. Men typically wear a suit to work. Clothing is usually well-kept, and... More
  • Recreation: Football (soccer) is the most popular sport. Golf and tennis are also widely played. Watching bullfights and dancing are popular... More
  • Diet: Portugal's staple foods include fish, vegetables, and fruits. One of the national dishes is bacalhau (dried cod), which is usually... More
  • Food and Recipes: Portuguese eat according to the continental style. They use a knife and fork. They should not stretch at the table,... More
  • Visiting: When visiting, one waits outside until invited in by the host. It is expected that a guest wipes their... More
  • Dating: Dating habits in Portugal are similar to those currently prevailing in the rest of Europe, although they are more conservative... More

Portugal Facts

What is the capital of Portugal?

Capital Lisbon
Government Type semi-presidential republic
Currency Euro (EUR)
Total Area 35,556 Square Miles
92,090 Square Kilometers
Location Southwestern Europe, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Spain
Language Portuguese (official), Mirandese (official - but locally used)
GDP - real growth rate 1.6%
GDP - per capita (PPP) $27,800.00 (USD)

Portugal Demographics

What is the population of Portugal?

Ethnic Groups Portuguese 95%; citizens from Portugal’s former colonies in Africa, Asia (Han Chinese), and South America (Brazilian) and other foreign born 5%
Languages Portuguese (official), Mirandese (official, but locally used)
Nationality Noun noun: Portuguese (singular and plural)

adjective: Portuguese
Population 10,207,177
Population Growth Rate -0.14%
Population in Major Urban Areas 3.001 million LISBON (capital), 1.325 million Porto
Urban Population urban population: 67.9% of total population

rate of urbanization: 0.44% annual rate of change
Population: Male/Female male: 4,835,763

female: 5,371,414

Portugal Government

What type of government does Portugal have?

Executive Branch chief of state: President Marcelo REBELO DE SOUSA (since 9 March 2016)

head of government: Prime Minister Antonio Luis MONTENEGRO (since 2 April 2024)

cabinet: Council of Ministers appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister

elections/appointments: president directly elected by absolute majority popular vote in 2 rounds if needed for a 5-year term (eligible for a second term); election last held on 24 January 2021 (next to be held in January 2026); following legislative elections the leader of the majority party or majority coalition is usually appointed prime minister by the president

election results:

2021: Marcelo REBELO DE SOUSA reelected president in the first round; percent of vote - Marcelo REBELO DE SOUSA (PSD) 60.7%, Ana GOMES (ran as an independent but is a member of PS) 13%, Andre VENTURA (CH) 11.9%, João FERREIRA (PCP-PEV) 4.3%, other 10.1%

2016: Marcelo REBELO DE SOUSA elected president in the first round; percent of vote - Marcelo REBELO DE SOUSA (PSD) 52%, António SAMPAIO DA NOVOA (independent) 22.9%, Marisa MATIAS (BE) 10.1%, Maria DE BELEM ROSEIRA (PS) 4.2%, other 10.8%

note: there is also a Council of State that acts as a consultative body to the president
Suffrage 18 years of age; universal
Citizenship citizenship by birth: no

citizenship by descent only: at least one parent must be a citizen of Portugal

dual citizenship recognized: yes

residency requirement for naturalization: 10 years; 6 years if from a Portuguese-speaking country
National Holiday Portugal Day (Dia de Portugal), 10 June (1580); note - also called Camoes Day, the day that revered national poet Luis DE CAMOES (1524-80) died
Constitution proposed by the Assembly of the Republic; adoption requires two-thirds majority vote of Assembly members; amended several times, last in 2005
Independence 1143 (Kingdom of Portugal recognized); 1 December 1640 (independence reestablished following 60 years of Spanish rule); 5 October 1910 (republic proclaimed)

Portugal Video

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Portugal Geography

What environmental issues does Portugal have?

Overview Portugal, in Europe’s southwest corner, is part of the Iberian Peninsula. The country is made up of the mainland and the Azores and Madeira Islands. On the north and east, Portugal is bordered by Spain; on the south and west by the Atlantic Ocean.

The Tagus River, flowing west into the Atlantic at Lisbon divides mainland Portugal into two distinct topographical and climatic regions. The northern part of the country is mountainous. Its climate is relatively cool and rainy. In the south there are low, rolling plains. The climate is drier and warmer, particularly in the interior.

Lying about 800 miles west of Lisbon in the Atlantic Ocean, the Azores are a chain of nine mountainous islands of volcanic origin. Their climate tends to be moist and moderate throughout the year. The total land area of the nine islands is 888 sq. miles.

The two main islands and the numerous smaller, uninhabited islands that make up the Madeira chain are located in the Atlantic Ocean about 350 miles west of Morocco. The islands are mountainous and rugged, with a mild year-round climate. Total land area is slightly over 300 sq. miles.

Climate Mainland Portugal experiences two distinct seasons. From late October to mid-May rain is frequent and sometimes heavy. Temperatures may drop into the low 30s at night during the coldest months, with daytime highs in the 50s and 60s. Annual variations in rainfall can be considerable, with years of flooding followed by years of drought. The remainder of the year is normally sunny with minimal rainfall. Days are pleasant, with temperatures seldom exceeding 95° F, except in the southern interior of the country. Afternoons and evenings are breezy, with nighttime temperatures in the 60s and low 70s. Spells of intense heat are infrequent and last only a few days.

The Tagus River, flowing west into the Atlantic at Lisbon divides mainland Portugal into two distinct climatic regions. The northern part is relatively cool and rainy. In the south the climate is drier and warmer, particularly in the interior.

The Azores climate tends to be moist and moderate throughout the year.

Border Countries Spain 1,214 km
Environment - Current Issues soil erosion; air pollution caused by industrial and vehicle emissions; water pollution, especially in coastal areas
Environment - International Agreements party to: Air Pollution, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands, Whaling signed, but not ratified: Air Pollution-Persistent Organic Pollutants, Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds, Environmental Modification
Terrain mountainous north of the Tagus River, rolling plains in south

Portugal Economy

How big is the Portugal economy?

Economic Overview Portugal's economic history is deeply intertwined with its colonial past, maritime prowess, and periods of economic hardship. During the Age of Discovery, during the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal established a vast overseas empire, enriching the nation through trade in spices, gold, and other commodities. However, the decline of its empire and the devastating earthquake of 1755 ushered in a period of economic stagnation.

Modern Economic Evolution:

In the 20th century, Portugal underwent significant economic transformations. Joining the European Union in 1986 paved the way for economic integration and development. The country embraced structural reforms, privatization, and investments in infrastructure, leading to robust economic growth during the 1990s and early 2000s. However, Portugal faced challenges such as high public debt, low productivity, and unemployment, exacerbated by the global financial crisis 2008.

Post-Crisis Recovery:

In response to the crisis, Portugal implemented austerity measures and pursued fiscal consolidation, albeit with social costs. The country underwent structural reforms in labor markets, pensions, and the financial sector, supported by external financial assistance from the EU and IMF. Despite initial hardships, Portugal's economy rebounded, with improved competitiveness, export growth, and a gradual decline in unemployment.

Current Economic Landscape:

According to the latest data, Portugal's economy continues to show resilience amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The government's swift response, including fiscal stimulus measures and support for businesses, helped cushion the crisis's impact. However, Portugal faces persistent structural issues, including an aging population, low productivity growth, and regional disparities.

Key Economic Indicators:

GDP Growth: Portugal's GDP growth has shown recovery, albeit at a moderate pace. In recent years, growth rates have hovered around 2%, driven by domestic consumption, exports, and tourism.

Unemployment: While declining, unemployment rates remain above the EU average. Efforts to address youth unemployment and skills mismatches are ongoing.

Public Debt: Portugal's public debt, though high, has gradually decreased from its peak. Continued fiscal discipline and debt sustainability are priorities for the government.

External Trade: Portugal maintains a positive trade balance, with exports accounting for a significant portion of GDP. Key export sectors include automotive, textiles, and agro-food products.
Industries textiles and footwear; wood pulp, paper, and cork; metalworking; oil refining; chemicals; fish canning; wine; tourism
Currency Name and Code Euro (EUR)
Export Partners Spain 20.3%, Germany 18.4%, France 12.6%, UK 10.5%, US 5.8%, Italy 4.8%, Belgium 4.5%
Import Partners Spain 28.1%, Germany 15%, France 10.2%, Italy 6.5%, UK 5.2%, Netherlands 4.5%

Portugal News and Current Events

What current events are happening in Portugal?
Source: Google News

Portugal Travel Information

What makes Portugal a unique country to travel to?

Country Description

Portugal is a developed and stable democracy with a developed economy. Tourist facilities are widely available.


Portugal has a relatively low rate of violent crime; however, crime in all categories is steadily increasing. Your greatest crime risk is becoming a target of pickpockets and purse snatchers, particularly at popular tourist sites and restaurants, or on public transportation. Rental cars and vehicles with out-of-town or foreign license plates are frequent targets for break-ins, particularly when parked in popular tourist destinations and beaches. You should always remove visible luggage or personal items from cars when parking. The Embassy has learned of incidents where travelers discover a flat tire and someone immediately volunteers to assist. Capitalizing on the distraction, an accomplice meanwhile steals valuables from the vehicle. Keep your car doors locked when stopped at intersections. You should also avoid using automatic teller machines (ATMs) in isolated or poorly lighted areas. In general, visitors to Portugal should carry limited cash and credit cards on their person, and leave extra cash, credit cards, and personal documents at home or in a hotel safe. While thieves may operate anywhere, the U.S. Embassy receives most reports of theft from the following areas:

Lisbon: Pick pocketing and purse snatchings in the Lisbon area are most likely to occur in buses, hotel lobbies, restaurants, the airport, trains, train stations, and trams, especially onboard tram number 28 to the Castle of São Jorge. At restaurants, items that hang over the backs of chairs or are placed on the floor are particularly vulnerable. Unattended luggage can be stolen at the Lisbon Airport. You should take special care in the Oriente, Santa Apolonia, and Rossio train stations, the Sete Rios bus station, the Alfama, Baixa and Bairro Alto districts, and the tourist area of Belém.

Outside Lisbon: Thefts have been reported in the popular tourist destination towns of Sintra, Cascais, Mafra, Fatima, and in the Algarve. Thieves reportedly scout parking areas alongside tourist attractions and beaches watching for rented cars. You should take special care when parking at the Moorish Castle and Pena Palace in Sintra; and at the beachfront areas of Guincho, Cabo da Roca, and Boca do Inferno. We have received some reports that vacation homes have been robbed in the Algarve. When renting vacation lodging, make sure to assess the accommodation’s security systems.

Madeira: Pick pocketing, while infrequent, may occur in the Old Town and Santa Catarina Park areas of Funchal.

Trains: Public transportation is considered safe and reliable; however, during the summer months, there are occasionally reports of youth gangs accosting passengers riding trains between Lisbon, Cascais, and Sintra. The authorities have increased their patrols in response to these incidents.

Taxis: Taxis are a reliable means of transportation, though you should be alert to possible discrepancies between the meter fare and the amount requested by the driver. Always ask the taxi driver to use the meter. A tourism information kiosk in the arrivals area of the Lisbon airport sells taxi vouchers at standardized prices for many locations in the city and metro area. As part of this voucher service, a member of the tourism office will also escort you to your taxi. Some cases have been reported involving taxi drivers in the arrivals area of the airport who overcharge, threaten and/or harass passengers.

Beaches: Beaches are generally considered safe, but beachgoers should not leave their personal belongings unattended. Youth gangs have been known to congregate along the beaches between Lisbon and Cascais and occasionally accost beach-goers. The authorities have increased their patrols in response to these incidences.

Don’t buy counterfeit and pirated goods, even if they are widely available. Not only are the bootlegs illegal in the United States, if you purchase them you may also be breaking local law.

Criminal Penalties

While you are traveling in Portugal, you are subject to its laws even if you are a U.S. citizen. Foreign laws and legal systems can be vastly different than our own..

Although it is not illegal, it is advisable not to take pictures of military and security sites in Portugal. You can be prosecuted under U.S. law if you buy bootleg or pirated goods.Engaging in sexual conduct with children or using or disseminating child pornography in a foreign country is a crime prosecutable in the United States. If you break local laws in Portugal, your U.S. passport won’t help you avoid arrest or prosecution. It’s very important to know what’s legal and what’s not wherever you go.

Possession and use of narcotic drugs is an administrative offense in Portugal, and users can face mandatory drug treatment. Penalties for trafficking in illegal drugs are severe, and offenders can expect long jail sentences.

Arrest notifications in host country: While some countries will automatically notify the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate if a U.S. citizen is detained or arrested in a foreign country, that might not always be the case. To ensure that the United States is aware of your circumstances, request that the police and prison officials notify the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate as soon as you are arrested or detained overseas.


Portuguese (official), Mirandese (official, but locally used)

Medical Facilities and Health Information

Good medical care is available, but facilities may be limited outside urban areas. Public hospitals offer services at costs lower than private hospitals, but sometimes do not maintain the same comforts as hospitals in the United States. You should obtain insurance that covers medical services from a private Portuguese hospital or clinic. Private hospitals will ask for a credit card or other form of payment upon admission. In a life-threatening emergency, you can ask for a public ambulance by calling the national emergency response telephone number, 112. On the other hand, private ambulances should only be used for transport, not life-threatening emergencies, and usually require on-the-spot payment. Note that the responsiveness of emergency services is not up to U.S. standards.

Prescription Medicines: Travelers sometimes request that relatives or friends in the United States mail prescription medicines to them in Portugal, but doing so violates Portuguese law and usually results in the shipment of medications being impounded by the Portuguese customs office. When this occurs, your medications may not be released. If you use prescription medicine, you must bring a sufficient supply with you to cover your anticipated stay in Portugal, along with a copy of your physician's prescription. Should an unforeseen need for prescription refills or new medications arise, Portuguese pharmacies generally carry equivalent medications to those found in the United States; however, they may be sold under a different brand, may not be available in the same dosage, and may require a prescription from a local doctor.

Safety and Security

Portugal remains largely free of terrorist incidents; however, like other countries in the Schengen area, Portugal’s open borders with its Western European neighbors allow possible terrorist groups to enter and exit the country with anonymity. U.S. citizens are reminded to remain vigilant with regard to their personal security.

General strikes and public protests against government austerity measures have occurred with increased frequency during 2012. These are rarely violent, but travelers are advised to avoid areas where these public protests are taking place.

Traffic Safety and Road Conditions

While in Portugal, you may encounter road conditions that differ significantly from those in the United States.

While Portugal has significantly expanded its motorway network with well-constructed roads, leading to a resulting decrease in accidents and fatalities, its road-accident fatality rate is still higher than the EU average, according to Eurostat. You should use caution, as aggressive driving habits and high speeds pose special hazards. Use appropriate care and caution while on the roadways, practice safe driving habits, and adhere to the applicable speed limits.

Fines for traffic offenses are substantial in Portugal. Speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and the use of mobile phones while driving are heavily penalized. Use of seatbelts is mandatory for drivers and passengers. Small children must be in child safety seats with the seatbelts fastened in the back of your car. The police in continental Portugal have the authority to fine on-the-spot and most of their vehicles have portable ATM machines to facilitate immediate payment.

Taxis are a reliable means of transportation, but are subject to the same road conditions listed above. Refer to the crime section of this page to alert yourself to other threats relating to taxis.

Buses are reliable.

In the Azores, driving can be challenging due to narrow cobblestone streets, blind curves, blind corners, and herds of cows on country roads. In contrast to the situation on the Portuguese mainland, payments are not made on the spot; traffic violations are registered by radar and later forwarded to the offender via the postal service. Taxis do not have meters; the fare consists of a base fee plus a posted rate per kilometer traveled. Public buses are inexpensive. Bus services begin at 7 a.m. and generally operate until 8 p.m., depending on the destination.

U.S. citizen visitors to Portugal may drive with a valid U.S. driver's license for up to six months. For international driving permits, please contact AAA or the National Auto Club.

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